Make sure you’re registered to vote and/or request absentee ballots from the Town Clerk or click here!
Mailed Ballots are available to all active voters by request only. You can request a ballot or verify your voter status at mvp.vermont.gov.
The Annual Town Meeting Election will be held Tuesday, March 4th. Polls will be open at the Town Offices from 10am to 7pm.
Election Security in Vermont
The Secretary of State’s Office put together a video to help outline some of the election security measures set forth in Vermont, with the help of City and Town Clerks. Starring: Rachel!
Noteworthy Items
The Polls will be open from 10am-7pm on March 5th at the Town Offices (108 Shed Road).
You can also request an absentee ballot by contacting the Town Clerk or by going to mvp.vermont.gov