The Berlin Historical Society - open by appointment and often by chance, call 802-552-8804 or email historicalsocietyberlinvt@gmail.com. Find us at the Town offices at: 108 Shed Road, Berlin, VT 05602
Corinne Cooper, President
vacant, Vice President
Meredith Dodge – Treasurer
vacant – Secretary
The purpose of the Berlin Historical Society is well stated in the first article of its constitution which says: “The purpose of the Society shall be to bring together those people interested in history, and especially in the history of Berlin, Vermont.” We continually work at preserving and sharing the story of Berlin, Vermont.
The Berlin Historical Society was founded at a meeting on April 15, 1982 and we have been meeting continually since that date. Our meetings are generally held once a month at the Berlin Town offices where we have an office, display case, artifacts, records, and many photos. We have a private entrance with our name on the door to the right of the main entrance of the municipal building.
We collect and catalogue donated material and develop databases of historic Town Records. We research a variety of topics, sometimes based on questions we’re asked or programs we’re asked to present. Our growing collection includes information on Berlin families, cemeteries, schools, churches, births, deaths, marriages, various Berlin related stories and histories, structure fires, as well as a general file for all other Berlin related subjects. We are always searching for new material, including photographs, artifacts, and stories, related to Berlin. If you have any such material that you are willing to share please contact us. We have the ability to scan or copy it at our office.
The Society has published two books, one entitled “A Place to Pass Through: Berlin, Vermont 1820-1991″ and the other “The Story of a Small Airport in Berlin, Vermont” by Richard W. Turner which are available through the Historical Society and also at the Town Clerk’s office. Copies of an earlier book authored by Mary Greene Nye “Early History of Berlin, Vermont 1763-1820.” can still be found and is available to read online.
The public is invited to all of our meetings. We have fun sharing old photos, information on topics that have been researched, and planning programs. In May we hold a potluck dinner and a program is presented. Please ask to join our email list to receive notices about meetings and events and we also have a facebook page “Berlin, Vermont Memories”
We welcome you to join our organization although membership is not required to attend our meetings or visit our office. Membership dues are $10 per year. Considering giving a membership as a gift! Membership form
Please contact us with questions or to set up a time to visit our office.
Enjoy the following resources:
Berlin Historical Society Publications
Early History of Berlin by Rev. James Hobart
Vermont Historical Gazetteer Vol IV Hemenway “Berlin” by Sylvanus F. Nye
History of Montpelier Vermont 1780-1882 by Miss A. M. Hemenway (search on “Berlin”)
County Gazetteer and Directory for Washington County, Berlin Town
Early History of Berlin, Vermont 1763 - 1820 by Mary Greene Nye
History of the Town of Montpelier 1781-1860 by Daniel Pierce Thompson (includes Berlin History, of note Kellogg-Hubbard Library has some indexed copies of this book)
1858 Washington County maps including Berlin
Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps https://www.loc.gov/collections
“Berlin side” (before the 1899 Annexation) is included on some of the Montpelier maps and Riverton is included on some Northfield maps
Berlin maps - mostly mileage maps, a couple with names
History of Berlin Vermont Post Offices
Berlin’s 250th Anniversary of the June 8, 1763 Charter
Landscape Change Program / University of Vermont - photos
Chronicling America - Historic American Newspapers
Berlin, Vermont Structure Fires
Railroad Accidents, Derailments, and Deaths Index Last updated Sept. 2022